نبذة مختصرة : This study was among the first to be devoted to David Jones' collection The Sleeping Lord and Other Fragments (1974). It brings out the poetic skill of the writer and how his text often says more than what was intended. David Jones' poems have a powerful concrete and visual quality embedded in an exquisite use of language. His recurring themes are war and empire vs love of the land and redemption.
Detailed study of eight among David Jones's more accessible poems, namely those pieces which he reluctantly detached from his work-in-progress and released for publication between 1955 and his death in 1974. Obscure passages are related to his other works, whether poems, essays, or drawings, showing how David Jones's vision of the world in the middle of our century bears on our present concerns. While developing original interpretations this commentary also integrates previous critical approaches into a comprehensive overview.
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