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Influence of the Probability Level on the Framing Effect

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  • المؤلفون: Kaja Damnjanovic; Vasilije Gvozdenovic
  • المصدر:
    Psihologijske teme; ISSN 1332-0742 (Print); ISSN 1849-0395 (Online); Volume 25; Issue 3
  • نوع التسجيلة:
    Electronic Resource
  • الدخول الالكتروني :
  • معلومة اضافية
    • Additional Titles:
      Influencia del nivel de probabilidad en el efecto de encuadre
      Utjecaj razine vjerojatnosti na efekt okvira
    • Publisher Information:
      University of Rijeka, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences 2016
    • نبذة مختصرة :
      Research of the framing effect of risky choice mostly applies to the tasks where the effect of only one probability or risk level on the choice of non-risky or risky options was examined. The conducted research was aimed to examine the framing effect in the function of probability level in the outcome of a risk option in three decision-making domains: health, money and human lives. It has been confirmed that the decision-making domain moderates the framing effect. In the monetary domain, the general risk aversion has been confirmed as registered in earlier research. At high probability levels, the framing effect is registered in both frames, while no framing effect is registered at lower probability levels. In the domain of decision-making about human lives, the framing effect is registered at medium high and medium low probability levels. In the domain of decision-making about health, the framing effect is registered almost in the entire probability range while this domain differs from the former two. The results show that the attitude to risk is not identical at different probability levels, that the dynamics of the attitude to risk influences the framing effect, and that the framing effect pattern is different in different decision-making domains. In other words, linguistic manipulation representing the frame in the tasks affects the change in the preference order only when the possibility of gain (expressed in probability) is estimated as sufficiently high.
      La investigación del efecto de encuadre de la elección arriesgada en su mayoría se aplica a las tareas en las que se examinó el efecto de una sola probabilidad o nivel de riesgo para la elección de opciones no arriesgadas o arriesgadas. El objetivo de esta investigación fue investigar el efecto de encuadre en la función del nivel de probabilidad para el resultado de la opción arriesgada en tres dominios de toma de decisiones: salud, dinero y vidas humanas. Se ha confirmado que el dominio de toma de decisiones modera el efecto de encuadre. En el dominio monetario la aversión general de riesgos se ha registrado igual que en las investigaciones previas. A niveles altos de probabilidad el efecto de encuadre se ha registrado en ambos marcos, mientras que no se ha registrado a niveles bajos de probabilidad. En el dominio de toma de decisiones para la vida humana, el efecto de encuadre se ha registrado a niveles medio altos y medio bajos de probabilidad. En el dominio de toma de decisiones para la salud, el efecto de encuadre se ha registrado casi a todos los niveles de probabilidad, y este dominio difiere de los dos anteriores. Los resultados muestran que la actitud hacia el riesgo no es idéntica a diferentes niveles de probabilidad, que la dinámica de la actitud hacia el riesgo influye en el efecto de encuadre y que el patrón de este efecto es diferente en diferentes dominios de toma de decisiones. Es decir, la manipulación lingüística que representa el marco en las tareas afecta el cambio en el orden de preferencia cuando la posibilidad de ganancia (expresada en probabilidad) se estima como suficientemente alta.
      U istraživanjima se djelovanja okvira rizičnog izbora uglavnom primjenjuju zadaci u kojima se ispituje utjecaj samo jedne razine vjerojatnosti, odnosno rizičnosti, na izbor nerizične ili rizične opcije. Cilj je provedenog istraživanja bio ispitivanje efekta okvira u funkciji razine vjerojatnosti realizacije ishoda rizične opcije u tri domene odlučivanja: zdravlje, novac i ljudski životi. Potvrđeno je da domena odlučivanja moderira djelovanje okvira. U monetarnoj je domeni odlučivanja potvrđena generalna averzija prema riziku, registrirana u ranijim istraživanjima. Na visokim se razinama vjerojatnosti u oba okvira registrira efekt okvira, a na nižim razinama vjerojatnosti nije registriran efekt okvira. U domeni je odlučivanja o ljudskim životima efekt okvira registriran na srednje visokim i srednje niskim razinama vjerojatnosti. U domeni odlučivanja o zdravlju efekt okvira registrira se na gotovo čitavom opsegu vjerojatnosti, po čemu se ova domena izdvaja od prethodnih dviju. Rezultati pokazuju da odnos prema riziku nije istovjetan na različitim razinama vjerojatnosti i da dinamika odnosa prema riziku utječe na efekt okvira te da je obrazac efekta okvira drugačiji u različitim domenama odlučivanja. Drugim riječima, lingvistička manipulacija koja predstavlja okvir u zadacima ima učinak na promjenu redoslijeda preferencija tek kada je mogućnost dobitka (iskazana vjerojatnošću) procijenjena kao dovoljno visoka.
    • الموضوع:
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    • Other Numbers:
    • Contributing Source:
      From OAIster®, provided by the OCLC Cooperative.
    • الرقم المعرف: