نبذة مختصرة : The aim of this study was providing a validated scale in the Italian context, for the assessment of the symptoms of mental, physical, and psychological exhaustion that can result from thinking about COVID-19, starting from Burnout Measure of Pines and Aronson. Four studies were conducted. In Study 1, we conducted an exploratory factor analysis. A 2-factor factorial structure—Mental Exhaustion (ME) and Physical and Emotional Exhaustion (PEE)—was shown. In Study 2, we tested the structure of COVID-19 Exhaustion Scale. The two-factor structure with 8 items was the best factorial solution. In Study 3, we tested the concurrent validity of the COVID-19 Exhaustion Scale. The two dimensions were significantly and positively related to physical symptoms and negatively related to life satisfaction. In Study 4, we showed the stability of the COVID-19 Exhaustion Scale using the test-retest method after 3 weeks.
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