نبذة مختصرة : This research is about natural coloring in batik at Krinok Batik House, Muara Bungo Regency. The advantages of natural dyes lie in the results of soft colors and are environmentally friendly. Each natural material produces a different color with the color direction determined by the mordant used. Krinok batik house uses natural materials in the form of leaves behind the wind, tingi bark, and tegeran wood. The purpose of the study was to describe natural color materials, techniques for making natural color extracts, batik coloring techniques with natural dyes, the results of natural batik colors at the Krinok batik house, Muara Bungo Regency. This research method is qualitative. The types of data are primary and secondary. The informant, the owner and craftsman of the Krinok Batik House, found 7 people. Data was collected by using observation, interview, and documentation techniques. The data analysis technique was carried out with an interactive model related to the problems of data collection, data reduction, data presentation and conclusions. The results of the study are natural materials that the authors examine there are 3 types including tegeran wood, sebalik wind leaves, and tingi bark. Previously, no one had researched the leaves behind the wind as a natural dye for batik. The process of extracting color by preparing tools and materials, weighing natural ingredients, then adding soda ash which serves to sharpen the color during the manufacturing process. Then the filter material and the dyeing process of the cloth are soaked in TRO first, then with natural dyes, then fixed with whiting. The color results produced by the leaf extract of Sebalik Angin: Light Golden Yellow, Paris Daisy Yellow tegeran wood, Sandy Brown high bark.Keywords: natural coloring, batik, krinok batik. AbstrakPenelitian ini tentang pewarnaan alam pada batik, di Rumah Batik Krinok Kabupaten Muara Bungo. Kelebihan pewarna alam terletak pada hasil warna lembut serta ramah lingkungan. Setiap bahan alam menghasilkan warna yang berbeda ...
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