نبذة مختصرة : 1865-03-18 ; Young, Susan ; Young describes his capture and subsequent imprisonment for his wife. He tells her that a number of men from his regiment have already died from exposure to the elements and that he has been forced to sell his bread for paper and pencils to write with. ; turnips onions & fine white cabbage cheap too, then bread biscuit, & tobacco are for sale on every hand cheap, now too, occasionally a fine lump of butter finds it[s] way in in [sic] here. None of these things come to my share, but I thank my Merciful God that my life has been spared, whilst so many have been taken. My dear wife you will not get this in time for any advice I could give you about the crop to be of any advantage to you, I hope too that Mr Robinson is at home to assist you which I know he will do if at home. I think too than Ben will try his best to carry things on right & to the best advantage. Day to Ben that It all depends on him to
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