نبذة مختصرة : Prenatal education has been developed by many Western scientists who are oriented to the development of physical qualities and intellectual intelligence. In fact, in Islam, prenatal education has also been recognized with a broader orientation to reach children's mental and spiritual problems. The research problem focuses on: First, how does Islamic education conceptualize prenatal child education? Second, how is the epistemological construction of prenatal education in Islam? The method used is qualitative by utilizing library documents as a source of data. The approach used is descriptive-analytical. The conclusions in this study are: First, prenatal education has strong religious roots and foundations. The materials, methods, and goals of prenatal education in Islam have a different character from what exists in the Western world. Second, the epistemological construction of prenatal education in Islam is based on and sourced from transcendental texts (al-Qur'an and Hadith). Prenatal education according to Islam is essentially an education of the natural potential inherent in children from the beginning of their lives. In addition, the measure of truth in the education of prenatal children is observed to be in accordance with three theories of truth in philosophy, namely correspondence, coherence, and pragmatism.
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