نبذة مختصرة : Songan Village, Kintamani District is a village that has local potential, namely the large number of tilapia fish cultivators. However, the cultivators have been selling their harvest in the form of raw fish only. The relatively cheap price of raw fish cannot provide significant benefits to tilapia fish cultivators, so that innovation is needed to add the value by further processing it. Seeing this situation, it is necessary to hold training in processing tilapia fish into ready-to-eat food such as fish floss and in product packaging, in order to increase the selling value of tilapia fish. Making fish floss does not require a large cost, so it is easy to be applied by tilapia fish cultivators. Meanwhile, the selling value is relatively better than the selling value of raw fish. Problems in the field in this community service activity were explored through observation and interview methods. After the problems were identified, training preparations and socialization were carried out, then training on making fish floss and their packaging were conducted. This activity is succeeded in providing an understanding of the importance of increasing the added value of fish production by processing it into fish floss, providing skills in making floss and packaging. Subsequent service activities can be directed at efforts to assist the community in obtaining P-IRT permits, assisting sales through social media, and accompanying the next production innovation process, among others by trying various other flavours apart from those tested in current community service activities. Desa Songan, Kecamatan Kintamani merupakan desa yang memiliki potensi lokal yaitu banyaknya pembudidaya ikan mujair dan oleh pembudidaya hanya dimanfaatkan dengan cara menjual hasil panennya berupa ikan mentah saja. Harganya yang relatif murah kurang bisa memberikan keuntungan yang signifikan terhadap pembudidaya ikan mujair, sehingga dibutuhkan inovasi untuk mengolahnya lebih lanjut. Melihat situasi semacam ini, maka perlu diadakan pelatihan pengolahan ...
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