نبذة مختصرة : The importance of the use of language when employing the techniques of the solution-focused intervention model, knowing how to make an adjusted use of some of its techniques (MacMartin, 2008) and the need to adapt them to the circumstances of cochlear implant patients (Estrada & Beyebach, 2007). Objective: To abandon the position of experts, adopting that of drivers and companions in Speech Therapy, making the patients themselves build their own solutions. Method: design of a program aimed at the generalized application of the central principles of TBCS: collaboration, respect for the consultants and empowerment in the speech therapy intervention during the development of the Practicum II course of the Speech Therapy Degree of the UPSA, in the area of intervention in sensory deficits. Results: management of communication strategies and interventional interview techniques with solution-focused questions. Conclusion: 4th year students of the Speech Therapy Degree at UPSA will develop professional competences of speech therapy intervention in the care of patients with hearing impairment focused on the process of co-construction of solutions, negotiation of objectives and detection of exceptions ; Introducción: La importancia del uso del lenguaje al emplear las técnicas del modelo de intervención centrada en soluciones, saber hacer un uso ajustado de algunas de sus técnicas (MacMartin, 2008) y la necesidad de adaptarlas a las circunstancias de los pacientes con implante coclear (Estrada y Beyebach, 2007). Objetivo: Abandonar la posición de expertos, adoptando la de conductores y acompañantes en el tratamiento logopédico, logrando que sean los propios pacientes los que construyan sus soluciones. Método: diseño de un programa destinado a la aplicación generalizada de los principios centrales de la TBCS: colaboración, respeto a los consultantes y empoderamiento en la intervención logopédica durante el desarrollo de la asignatura Practicum II del Grado de Logopedia de la UPSA, en el área de intervención en déficits ...
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