نبذة مختصرة : Mobility and connectivity are now approaching a new era at the European Union dimension, where a driverless vehicle might become a new nuclear for an ecosystem, as well as make mobility safer, easier and more sustainable. The automated driving system is considered as the progress reached in the field of Artificial Intelligence, which opens a new horizon in road mobility.Vehicles that are able to interact with each other and other road users within the road infrastructure, might solve the range of issues on the common market, such as improving environmental conditions, reducing dependency on fossil fuels, road safety mobility at a service and even urban planning. However, new technological progress is coming alongside with a number of obstacles and foreseeable negative outcomes at the European Union level. In order to mitigate the new era of mobility and connectivity, a particular range of legal regulations have to be introduced.At this stage, technologies cannot be considered to be certainly safe, hence particular incidents might still take place. Seeking to ensure a smooth entrance into a new era of mobility and connectivity, the regulation of civil liability, which must be strictly determined, rises as a consequence of the autonomous vehicles usage.
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