نبذة مختصرة : Sex workers have hardly gone through work situations without suffering abuses in their personal integrity - physical, psychological and moral-, with regards to their personal freedom, in their basic judicial guarantees, and/or in their dignity. It seems that freedom of conscience, of thought, of expression and of work - which all people should enjoy-, must in fact be adapted to what some consider to be "morally acceptable". And even if sex work is not expressly forbidden in some countries, it is this misconception of what is "moral" that ends up generating such a stigma that leads to totally devastating repercussions. This leads to the helplessness of sex workers who choose to practice this profession and dissipates the state?s efforts that should be directed to fight against human trafficking, concepts that are often confused. In this article, the authors address these problems in the Latin American and European region, and demand regulations that protect and not exclude those who choose to engage in that profession ; Fil: London, Tamara Maial. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Derecho. Buenos Aires, Argentina ; Fil: St. Lauren del Castillo, Jacqueline. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Derecho. Buenos Aires, Argentina ; Una persona trabajadora sexual difícilmente ha atravesado situaciones laborales sin sufrir abusos en su integridad personal -física, psíquica y moral-, en su libertad personal, en sus garantías judiciales básicas, y/o en su dignidad. Parece que la libertad de conciencia, de pensamiento, de expresión y de trabajo -de las que deberían gozar todas las personas-, en realidad deben adaptarse a lo que "moralmente" consideran algunos. Y aún de no encontrarse el trabajo sexual expresamente prohibido en ciertos países, es ésta concepción de moralidad la que culmina generando un estigma tal, que conlleva a repercusiones totalmente demoledoras. Ello provoca el desamparo de las personas trabajadoras sexuales que eligen ejercer este oficio, y disipa los esfuerzos estatales que deben dirigirse ...
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