نبذة مختصرة : Examination of recent benthic material collected during several cruises in the Gulf of Cadiz (NE Atlantic) and the Strait of Sicily (Mediterranean) has allowed the taxonomic reassessment of some previously identified specimens belonging to the monogeneric gorgonian family Dendrobrachiidae Brook, 1889. Dendrobrachia fallax Brook, 1889 is the type species of the single genus in this family, and was originally described from Ascension Island (South Atlantic). Subsequently, other authors reported the presence of this species in Cape Verde Islands (north-eastern Atlantic) and some Mediterranean localities (Alboran Sea and the Strait of Sicily). The study of the specimen from the Prince of Monaco collections in Cape Verde Islands, and recently collected material from the Gulf of Cadiz (north-eastern Atlantic) and in the south of Malta (Mediterranean), materials previously considered as D. fallax, allow us to recognize two undescribed species in this genus. All previous records of D. fallax from the north-eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean should be considered incorrect. Opresko and Bayer (1991) added two additional species of Dendrobrachia. Two new species are described here and compared with their congeners. ; El examen de material bentónico recolectado recientemente en diferentes cruceros en el Golfo de Cádiz (Atántico noreste) y estrecho de Sicilia (Mediterráneo) ha permitido el reemplaza- miento taxonómico de algunos especímenes previamente identificados pertenecientes a la familia monogenérica de Gorgona Dendrobrachiidae Brook, 1889. Dendrobrachia fallax Brook, 1889 es la especie tipo del único género de esta familia, y fue originalmente descrito de la isla Ascensión (Atlántico sur). Posteriormente, otros autores citaron su presencia en las islas Cabo Verde (Atlántico noreste) y algunas localidades mediterráneas (mar de Alborán y estrecho de Sicilia). El estudio del especimen de la colección del Príncipe de Mónaco en las islas Cabo Verde, y material recientemente recolectado del golfo de Cádiz (Atlántico noreste) ...
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