نبذة مختصرة : Charakthe ancient Acharya of traditional medical practice described Doshavikriti and Agantuj as major factors responsible for disease prevalence. Doshavikriti is internal factors related to Dosha vitiation and Agantuj is external factor which involve role of contaminated water, food, microbes and trauma in diseases occurrence.Ayurveda textmentioned Kustha,Jwara,Shosha and Netrabhishyanda as diseases which spreads one to another through direct or indirect contact. The Prasnaga,Gatra Sansparsha, eating & sleeping together, sharing cloths & ornaments are some mode of transmission of infectious diseases. There are significant correlations between ayurveda and modern literature available on infectious diseases. However some descriptions on specific diseases mentioned in ayurveda text differ from modern text up to some extent. Therefore it is required to present modern and ayurveda aspects of infectious diseases, considering same present article summarizes correlation between ayurveda and modern text on some infectious diseases. Keywords: Ayurveda, Infectious Diseases, Contagious Diseases, Microorganism, Krimi.
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