نبذة مختصرة : International audience ; This study refers to the theoretical framework of enactive linguistics (Bottineau 2010), which focuses on linguistic meaning as a mental event emerging through the sensorimotor experience brought about by signifying forms as embodied articulatory gestures. It aims at laying some groundwork in the reformulation of the grammar of Guarani, in the light of two complementary theoretical approaches, one in morphology, Cognematics (Bottineau 2000 and ff.), the other one in syntax, Chronosyntax (Macchi 2005 and ff.). More precisely we intend to present some preliminary results of this approach by applying it to some submorphemic (cognematic) markers within a selection of operators in a few differentiated syntactic environments. After a presentation of the theoretical approach in the typological context of Guarani (section 1), we examine some markers such as the glottal occlusive and R in relation to paradigmatic oppositions with other markers (section 2), then we observe how they are implemented at certain syntactic moments defined in the chronosyntactic perspective (section 3). The approach is exploratory given its theoretical scope and its descriptive impact in such a productive grammar as that of Guarani; because of this approach and the questions it raises, it requires revisiting ideas and conventionally established descriptive models, in terms of categorization of lexical and grammatical markers in particular. ; Dans le cadre d’une linguistique énactive (Bottineau 2010), laquelle s’intéresse au sens linguistique en tant qu’évènement mental vécu et émergeant à travers l’expérience sensorimotrice incarnée des formes signifiantes en tant que gestes articulatoires, cette étude se fixe pour objectif de poser quelque jalons dans la reformulation de la grammaire du guarani, à la lumière de deux approches théoriques complémentaires, l’une en morphologie, la cognématique (Bottineau 2000 et ss), l’autre en syntaxe, la chronosyntaxe (Macchi 2005 et ss.). Il s’agira plus précisément de présenter ...
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