نبذة مختصرة : In train networks, carefully-chosen delays may be beneficial for certain passengers, who would otherwise miss some connection. Given a simple temporal graph and a set of passengers (each specifying a starting vertex, an ending vertex, and a desired arrival time), we ask whether it is possible to delay some of the edges of the temporal graph to realize all the passengers' demands. We call this problem DelayBetter (DB), and study it along with two variants: in $\delta$-DelayBetter, each delay must be of at most $\delta$; in Path DB, passengers fully specify the vertices they should visit on their journey. On the positive side, we give a polynomial-time algorithm for Path DB, and obtain as a corollary a polynomial-time algorithm for DB and $\delta$-DB on trees. We also provide an fpt algorithm for both problems parameterized by the size of the graph's Feedback Edge Set together with the number of passengers. On the negative side, we show NP-completeness of ($1$-)DB on bounded-degree temporal graphs even when the lifetime is $2$, and of ($10$-)DB on bounded-degree planar temporal graphs of lifetime $19$. Our results complement previous work studying reachability problems in temporal graphs with delaying operations. This is to our knowledge the first such problem in which the aim is to facilitate travel between specific points (as opposed to facilitating or impeding a broadcast from one or many sources).
Comment: 20 pages, 7 figures
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