نبذة مختصرة : This report presents the proceedings of a 4-day institute attended by 82 individuals representing university personnel, state department of education personnel, and local school district personnel. Conducted in response to critical problems in vocational teacher education, the institute focused on ways to locate and prepare adequate numbers of teachers to work with urban disadvantaged youth. The general plan of attack adopted by the institute was to have each participant, with the help of the 19 consultants, develop a teacher training model appropriate for his own situation. To this end, the format of the program consisted of a series of formal presentations, a question-and-answer panel, small group work sessions, and a variety of evaluations of the proceedings. A major conclusion advanced by this institute was that the teacher education model needs to stress that the teacher is both a manager of resources and an effective specialist in a prescribed area. Among the more than 15 formal presentations were: "The Need for Flexible Instructional Systems" by Howard McFarm, and "Desirable Characteristics of Vocational-Technical Teachers for Metropolitan Areas" by Duane Nielsen. (Author/JS)
ملاحظات : Part of a Short Term Inst. for Inservice Training of Professional Personnel Responsible for Vocational-Technical Education in Western Metropolitan Areas (Nevada Univ., Reno, June 14-17, 1970)
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