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نتائج البحث

  • 1-10 ل  51 نتائج ل ""BI. User interfaces""
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Estudios sobre calidad web para el sector educativo

Subjects: BI. User interfaces, usability.; GH. Education.; HQ. Web pages.

  • Source: Morales Vargas, Alejandro Estudios sobre calidad web para el sector educativo., 2019 [Conference proceedings]

تفاصيل العنوان


Thematic web portals for different user profiles in a virtual health science library: Bibliosalut's experience

Subjects: BI. User interfaces, usability.; HQ. Web pages.; HR. Portals.

  • Source: Páez, Virgili and Font, Mònica and Pastor-Ramon, Elena and Sastre-Suárez, Sílvia and Costa-Marin, Maria Thematic web portals for different user profiles in a virtual

تفاصيل العنوان

Dissertation/ Thesis

Evaluación de calidad en sitios web: Factores de análisis, métodos y propuesta de un modelo para el desarrollo de nuevos instrumentos

Subjects: BI. User interfaces, usability.; HQ. Web pages.; HR. Portals.

  • Source: Morales-Vargas, Alejandro Evaluación de calidad en sitios web: Factores de análisis, métodos y propuesta de un modelo para el desarrollo de nuevos instrumentos., 2021 PhD thesis thesis, Universitat

تفاصيل العنوان


Characteristics Shared by the Scientific Electronic Journals of Latin America and the Caribbean

Subjects: EB. Printing, electronic publishing, broadcasting.; BI. User interfaces, usability.; HN. e-journals.

  • Source: Córdoba, Saray and Coto-Solano, Rolando Characteristics Shared by the Scientific Electronic Journals of Latin America and the Caribbean., 2008 . In ELPUB 2008 International Conference on Electronic

تفاصيل العنوان


Dall'inventario alla descrizione degli archivi in ambiente digitale: si possono offrire agli utenti risorse efficaci?

Subjects: DL. Archives.; BI. User interfaces, usability.; BA. Use and impact of information.

  • Source: Feliciati, Pierluigi Dall'inventario alla descrizione degli archivi in ambiente digitale: si possono offrire agli utenti risorse efficaci?, 2007 . In E-laborare il sapere nell’era digitale.

تفاصيل العنوان


Why I’m a Big Fan of Personal Information Pages (PIPs)… Or How I Can Go from Computer to Computer and Keep it All Customized

Subjects: BI. User interfaces, usability.; HQ. Web pages.; LZ. None of these, but in this section.

  • Source: Prange, Laurie A. Why I’m a Big Fan of Personal Information Pages (PIPs)… Or How I Can Go from Computer to Computer and Keep it All Customized., 2006 , January 26, 2006.. [Presentation]

تفاصيل العنوان


A Goal-based Classification of Web Information Tasks

Subjects: BI. User interfaces, usability.; HQ. Web pages.; HR. Portals.

  • Source: Kellar, Melanie and Watters, Carolyn and Shepherd, Michael A Goal-based Classification of Web Information Tasks., 2006 . In 69th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information Science and

تفاصيل العنوان


Análisis de la accesibilidad de los contenidos en la plataforma de e-learning de la UCM : propuestas de mejora

Subjects: BH. Information needs and information requirements analysis.; BI. User interfaces, usability.; HP. e-resources.

  • Source: Martínez Usero, José Angel Análisis de la accesibilidad de los contenidos en la plataforma de e-learning de la UCM : propuestas de mejora., 2006 . In III Jornada Campus Virtual UCM, Madrid (Spain),

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  • 1-10 ل  51 نتائج ل ""BI. User interfaces""