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Phase I/II Study of Laser Interstitial Thermotherapy (LITT) Combined With Checkpoint Inhibitor for Recurrent GBM (RGBM)
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Feasibility of Integrating Thermotherapy (TT) for Treatment of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis Into the Primary Healthcare Facilities in East Gurage Zone, Ethiopia
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Impact of Thermotherapy During Childbirth on Postpartum Perineal Pain: a Multicenter Factorial Randomized Controlled Trial
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Study on the Efficacy and Safety of Extracorporeal High-Frequency Hyperthermia in the Treatment of Refractory Gout
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Prospective Study to Assess the Real-world Implementation of Thermotherapy Using wIRA (Water-filtered Infrared A Superficial Hyperthermia) in Addition to Standard of
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Authors :
Nuray Alaca, Assoc, Prof. Nuray Alaca, Head of department Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation
Comparison of the Short-term Effect of Superficial Thermotherapy Applications in Acute Nonspecific Neck Pain-Randomised Controlled Trial
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Authors :
Gao Xinghua, Professor
A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial of Antifungal Agents and Infrared Thermotherapy Alone or in Combination in the Treatment of Sporotrichosis
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Phase II Evaluating Endoresection of the Tumor Scar or Transpupillary Thermotherapy When Endoresection is Not Feasible After Proton Beam Therapy for the Treatment of
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Physiotherapy Theory & Practice. Jan2025, Vol. 41 Issue 1, p65-78. 14p.
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