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Food for thought:considering the presence of zoomorphic figurines in Predynastic Egyptian burials

Subjects: Predynastic Egypt; zoomorphic figurines; folk taxonomies

  • Source: Brice , E 2023 , Food for thought : considering the presence of zoomorphic figurines in Predynastic Egyptian burials . in R Pirelli , M D Pubblico & S Ikram (eds) ,

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From distinctive to plain and blurred:Gender expression in Early Iron Age burials from Latium Vetus

Subjects: Gender; Vroege IJzertijd; Latium Vetus

  • Source: Venderbos , I 2022 , ' From distinctive to plain and blurred : Gender expression in Early Iron Age burials from Latium Vetus ' , PhD , Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam .

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The Burials of the Hunnish Period Bowmen in Northern Illyricum ; Погребения лучников гуннского времени в Северном Иллирикуме

Subjects: the Hunnish period; the Danube; burials

  • Source: Балканы, Подунавье и Восточная Европа в римское время и эпо-ху Средневековья: Материалы II российско-сербской

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Discreet Chariot Burials of La Tène A in Atlantic Gaul ; Discrètes tombes à char de La Tène A en Gaule atlantique

Subjects: Atlantic Iron Age; Wagon burial; tombe à char harnachement La Tène âge du Fer atlantique

  • Source: Hiatus, lacunes et absences : identifier et interpréter les vides archéologiques ; ; Hiatus, lacunes et absences : identifier et interpréter les vides

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The Viking-period burials of the Hebrides

  • Source: Archaeological Perspectives on Burial Practices and Societal Change ; page 102-116 ; ISBN 9781003441557

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