Subjects: Mathematical analysis--Textbooks; Functions of real variables--TextbooksMATHEMATICS / General
تفاصيل العنوان
Subjects: Vector spaces; Matrices--Handbooks, manuals, etcMATHEMATICS / General
Subjects: Mathematical analysisMATHEMATICS / General
Subjects: Knowledge, Theory of; Bayesian statistical decision theoryMATHEMATICS / General
Subjects: Mathematics--Problems, exercises, etc; Games in mathematics education; Mathematics--Study and teachingMATHEMATICS / General
Subjects: Graph theory; AlgorithmsCOMPUTERS / Computer Science; MATHEMATICS / General
Subjects: Galois theory; Algebraic number theoryMATHEMATICS / General
Subjects: Differential equations--Numerical solutions--Problems, exercises, etc; Differential equations--Numerical solutionsMATHEMATICS / General
Subjects: StatisticsMATHEMATICS / General
Subjects: Parallel algorithmsCOMPUTERS / Computer Science; MATHEMATICS / General