تفاصيل العنوان
Subjects: Working Files; 処理記録
Subjects: Memoranda within SCAP; SCAP内部の覚書
Subjects: Memoranda within SCAP; Reports of the Japanese Government to SCAP; SCAP内部の覚書
Subjects: Reports of the Japanese Government to SCAP; Memoranda within SCAP; SCAPに対する日本政府の報告書
Subjects: Miscellaneous; 雑
Subjects: Memoranda, Directives and Instructions to Japanese Government; Reports of the Japanese Government to SCAP; 日本政府に対する覚書、指令、指示
Subjects: Memoranda, Directives and Instructions to Japanese Government; Memoranda within SCAP; 日本政府に対する覚書、指令、指示