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Authors :
Szu-Chun Hung, MD
The Impact of Misclassification of Obesity by Body Mass Index on Mortality in Patients With Chronic Kidney DiseaseSharma D, Hawkins M, Abramowitz MK. Association
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Pre-neuromusculoskeletal Injury Risk Factor Evaluation and Post-neuromusculoskeletal Injury Assessment for Return-to-duty/Activity Enhancement
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PRECISE - Objective Measures and Observations of Physical Exposures Among Pregnant Employees in the Danish Workforce
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Evaluating the Practicalities & Potential Benefits of Using Remote C-peptide Testing in Clinical Practice to Confirm Established Type 1 Diabetes
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Development and Validation of a Novel Machine-learning Algorithm to Assist in Handheld Vascular Diagnostics
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Authors :
Alan Costa, Principal Investigator
Prediction of Massive Transfusion in Trauma Patients in Prehospital and In-hospital: Data From Swiss Trauma Registry (STR)Yucel N, Lefering R, Maegele M, Vorweg M, Tjardes T, Ruchholtz S,
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Defining High-Resolution Manometry Thresholds of Backward Pressure Across the Lower Esophageal Sphincter Through Straight Leg Raise Maneuver Predictive of Pathologic Acid Exposure TimeRogers BD,
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Development of a Novel Risk Prediction Tool for Emergency Department Patients Symptoms of Coronary Artery Disease
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HCMR - Novel Markers of Prognosis in Hypertrophic CardiomyopathyKramer CM, Appelbaum E, Desai MY, Desvigne-Nickens P, DiMarco JP, Friedrich MG, Geller N, Heckler S, Ho CY, Jerosch-Herold M, Ivey
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Impact of Sleep-Disordered Breathing Management in Systemic Hypertension Control: METASLEEP Project
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