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A Prospective, Observational, Multicenter Clinical Performance Study to Evaluate IOpener®-melanoma Test for Predicting Response to Combination or Mono Immunotherapy in Stage III or IV Cutaneous
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Exploring the Comorbidity Between Mental Disorders and General Medical Conditions Among a Danish National PopulationMomen NC, Plana-Ripoll O, Agerbo E, Benros ME, Borglum AD, Christensen MK,
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Natural History with Focus on Oncological Risk Evaluation in Pediatric Patients with PTEN Pathogenic Variants - Observational StudyCompton-Smith RN, Fawcett JW. Systemic lupus erythematosus
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CTNPT 015 - Pilot Project to Implement a Step-wise Investigation That Includes Cerebrospinal (CSF) Analysis as a Standard of Care for HIV+ Individuals With Cognitive SymptomsAntinori A, Arendt
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Speech Therapy and Parenting for Early Socio-communicative Skills in Children with Neurodevelopmental Disabilities
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The Relationship Between Belief, Expectation, and Adherence to Therapy During COVID-19 Pandemic: a Multigroup Cohort Study in Patients With Ischemic Heart DiseaseBroadbent E, Petrie KJ, Main J,
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Upfront Surgery Versus NeoAdjuvant Chemotherapy Followed by Surgery for Resectable Advanced Gastric Cancer (SNAC Study): An Observational Retrospective Multicenter Study With Matched Treatment
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Psycho-educational Program for Family Members of People With Borderline Personality DisorderHoffman PD, Buteau E, Hooley JM, Fruzzetti AE, Bruce ML. Family members' knowledge about borderline
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RCT Comparing Different Ribavirin Dosages and Durations of Treatment in Combination With Peginterferon in HCV Genotypes 2 and 3 (WRITE)Mangia A, Dalgard O, Minerva N, Verbaan H, Bacca D,
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Rhythmic Reading Training (RRT): Comparing the Rhythmic and Visual Contributions to Reading Improvement in Developmental Dyslexia
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