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Authors :
Edward Mougey, Research Scientist
A Food Additive Removal Diet for Pediatric Eosinophilic EsophagitisFranciosi JP, Hommel KA, Bendo CB, King EC, Collins MH, Eby MD, Marsolo K, Abonia JP, von Tiehl
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Efficacy and Safety of Additive Manufacturing Personalized Titanium Mesh in Guided Bone Regeneration: A Randomized, Single-blind, Positive-controlled Prospective Study
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Interoception in Functional Movement Disorders: Clinical and Neurophysiological Predictors of the Effect of Physiotherapy
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Investigating the Impact of the Seaweed Derived Food Additive, Carrageenan, on the Human Gut Microbiome
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Chinese Registry of Additive Anti-inflammatory Action for Aortopathy & Arteriopathy (5A) Protocol: Rationale, Design and Methodology
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Stroke Minimization Through Additive Anti-atherosclerotic Agents in Routine Treatment II Study (SMAART II)
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Waterpipe Tobacco Additives and Their Effect on Human Puffing Behavior, Toxicant Exposures, Pulmonary Function, and Appeal
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Comparative and Additive Diagnostic Performance of Magnetic Resonance Elastography (MRE) and Corrected-T1 (cT1) for Fibrosis and Inflammation in Nonalcoholic
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Authors :
Adel Ali Hassan, Principal Investigator
The Additive Analgesic Effects of Transversus Abdominis Plane Block in Abdominoplasty Under Spinal Anaesthesia: a Randomized Controlled Study
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Inflammatory Response and Anti-inflammatory Action for Aortopathy & Arteriopathy (5A-Plan): A Multicenter Cohort StudyLiu H, Qian SC, Han L, Dong ZQ, Shao YF, Li HY, Zhang W, Zhang HJ.
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