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Assessment of Remifentanil for Rapid Sequence Induction and Intubation in Full Stomach Patient Compared to
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Pre-oxygenation With High-flow Nasal Cannula in Comparison to Standard in Adults During Rapid Sequence
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Comparison of Classic and Modified Rapid Sequence Induction on Prevention of Perioperative Gastric Content
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Rapid Sequence Induction in EU: Electronic SurveyKlucka J, Kosinova M, Zacharowski K, De Hert S,
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Authors :
Dr Shahmini a/p Ganesh, Principal Investigator
Comparison of Bed up Head Elevated Position With Sniffing Position in Rapid Sequence Induction: a
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The Clarus Video System (Trachway) and Direct Laryngoscope for Endotracheal Intubation With Cricoid Pressure in Simulated Rapid Sequence
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Sellick Maneuver Evaluation in Rapid Sequence Induction of General Anesthesia Non Inferiority Trial
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High Flow Oxygen With THRIVE Gives Better Oxygenation in Rapid Sequence Induction Patients
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Authors :
Petr Štourač, MD, Doc.MD.Ph.D
Rapid Sequence Induction in Czech Republic: Survey
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Comparison on Succinylcholine Onset Time Assessed by Train of Four Stimulation Versus Clinical Judgment During Rapid Sequence
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