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Subjects: Metatranscriptomes; Activated sludge; Saline Waste Water Treatment Plant
Mahajna , A , Geurkink , B , Gacesa , R , Keesman , K J , Euverink , G J W & Jayawardhana , B 2025 , ' Metatranscriptomes of activated sludge microbiomes from saline
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Subjects: 16S rRNA gene; Bacterial community assembly; Microbial ecology
Araujo, A S F, Jia, X, Miranda, A R L, Pereira, A P D A, Melo, V M M, Rocha, S M B, Costa, R M, Saraiva, T C D S, Mendes, L W & Salles, J F 2023, 'Changes in the bacterial rare biosphere after
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Subjects: Bio-aromatics; Biofuels; Ex-situ catalytic fast pyrolysis
He, S, Bijl, A, Rohrbach, L, Yuan, Q, Sukmayanda Santosa, D, Wang, Z, Jan Heeres, H & Brem, G 2021, 'Catalytic upcycling paper sludge for the recovery of minerals and
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Wang , Y , Tian , F , Guo , P , Fu , D , Heeres , H J , Tang , T , Yuan , H , Wang , B & Li , J 2020 , ' Catalytic liquefaction of sewage sludge to small molecular
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Subjects: Ecotoxicological tests; Bioassay; Potentially toxic elements
Abreu-Junior , C H , de Lima Brossi , M J , Monteiro , R T , Silveira Cardoso , P H , Mandu , T D S , Rodrigues Nogueira , T A , Ganga , A , Filzmoser , P , de Oliveira , F C , Firme , L P , He , Z &
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Subjects: Pores in biofilms; channels in biofilms; diffusion
Quan, K, Hou, J, Zhang, Z, Ren, Y, Peterson, B W, Flemming, H-C, Mayer, C, Busscher, H J & van der Mei, H C 2022, 'Water in bacterial biofilms : pores and channels, storage and transport functions',
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Subjects: anaerobic treatment; biogas; kinetic study
Achinas, S, Li, Y, Achinas, V & Euverink, G J W 2019, 'Biogas potential from the anaerobic digestion of potato peels : Process performance and kinetics evaluation', Energies, vol. 12, no. 12, 2311.
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Subjects: Aspergillus fumigatus; ascospores; azole resistance
Zhang, J, Snelders, E, Zwaan, B J, Schoustra, S E, Meis, J F, van Dijk, K, Hagen, F, van der Beek, M T, Kampinga, G A, Zoll, J, Melchers, W J G, Verweij, P E & Debets, A J M 2017, 'A Novel
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Subjects: fluorescent in situ hybridization; Rhodopseudomonas palustris; growth rate
Oda , Y , Slagman , S J , Meijer , W G , Forney , L J & Gottschal , J C 2000 , ' Influence of growth rate and starvation on fluorescent in situ hybridization of Rhodopseudomonas palustris ' , FEMS
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