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Subjects: Heterogeneous nitration; Microreactors; Nitrobenzene
Jin, N, Song, Y, Yue, J, Wang, Q, Lu, P, Li, Y & Zhao, Y 2023, 'Heterogeneous nitration of nitrobenzene in microreactors: Process
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Subjects: flow chemistry; photo-oxidation; biomass valorization
Edwards, M D, Pratley, M T, Gordon, C M, Teixeira, R I, Ali, H, Mahmood, I, Lester, R, Love, A, Hermens, J G H, Freese, T, Feringa, B L, Poliakoff, M & George, M W 2024, '
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Subjects: millimeter-wave; astronomy; simulations
Huijten , E , Roelvink , Y , Brackenhoff , S A , Taniguchi , A , Bakx , T J L C , Marthi , K B , Zaalberg , S , Doing , A-K , Baselmans , J J A , Chin , K W , Huiting , R , Karatsu , K , Laguna , A P
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Borgonje , P E , Wibier , L , Noordman , P , Woerdenbag , H J & Gareb , B 2022 , ' The Development and Implementation of Airflow Visualization Studies ("Smoke" Studies) as a Training Tool in Aseptic
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Subjects: additive manufacturing; composite materials; poly(lactic) acid
Giani, N, Ortolani, J, Mazzocchetti, L, Benelli, T, Picchioni, F & Giorgini, L 2022, 'Production of Thermoplastic Composite Filaments for Additive Manufacturing using Recycled Carbon Fibers',
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Subjects: Thauera aminoaromatica MZ1T; biopolymers; polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA)
Colpa , D I , Zhou , W , Wempe , J P , Tamis , J , Stuart , M C A , Krooneman , J & Euverink , G-J W 2020 , ' Thauera aminoaromatica MZ1T Identified as a Polyhydroxyalkanoate-Producing Bacterium
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Sengupta , D , Michael , A , Kwok , C Y , Miao , J & Kottapalli , A G P 2018 , Optimized Polyvinylidene Fluoride Nanofiber Webs for Flexible Energy Harvesters . in A Köck & M Deluca (eds) ,
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Rudakov , K I , Koshelets , V P , Baryshev , A M , Dmitriev , P N & Khudchenko , A V 2017 , ' The 700-950 GHz Superconducting Receiving Structures for Radio Astronomy ' , Radiophysics and quantum
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