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Hoek, J M, Brenninkmeijer, J, de Vries, Y A, Meijer, R R & van Ravenzwaaij, D 2024, 'Assessing the credibility of a drug's effects : identification and judgment of
تفاصيل العنوان
Subjects: COVID
Rotulo, A, Kondilis, E, Thwe, T, Gautam, S, Torcu, Ö, Vera-Montoya, M, Marjan, S, Gazi, M I, Putri, A S, Hasan, R B, Mone, F H, Rodríguez-Castillo, K, Tabassum, A, Parcharidi, Z, Sharma, B, Islam,
تفاصيل العنوان
Subjects: data journalism; accuracy; credibility
De-Lima-Santos , M-F & Gehrke , M 2024 , Trustworthiness, accuracy, and transparency : The audience’s perceptions of errors in data journalism . in J Tong (ed.) , Data Journalism and the COVID-19
تفاصيل العنوان
Subjects: preregistration; registered reporting; trustworthiness
Field , S M , Wagenmakers , E-J , Kiers , H A L , Hoekstra , R , Ernst , A F & van Ravenzwaaij , D 2020 , ' The Effect of Preregistration on Trust in Empirical Research Findings : Results of a
تفاصيل العنوان
Subjects: Nutrition science; Credibility; Capability
Penders , B , Wolters , A , Feskens , E F , Brouns , F , Huber , M , Maeckelberghe , E L M , Navis , G , Ockhuizen , T , Plat , J , Sikkema , J , Stasse-Wolthuis , M , van 't Veer , P , Verweij , M &
تفاصيل العنوان
van Voorn , G A K , Vemer , P , Hamerlijnck , D , Ramos , I C , Teunissen , G J , Al , M & Feenstra , T L 2016 , ' The Missing Stakeholder Group : Why Patients Should be Involved in Health Economic
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