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Subjects: Conservation; COVID-19; National parks
Ranke , P S , Kessy , B M , Mbise , F P , Nielsen , M R , Arukwe , A & Røskaft , E 2023 , ' The threat of COVID-19 to the conservation of Tanzanian national
تفاصيل العنوان
Subjects: /dk/atira/pure/core/keywords/FacultyOfLifeSciences/Land,ForestAndUrbanDevelopment/Landskabsforvaltning; ???Landskabsforvaltning???
Roe , M , Townshend , T , Ward Thompson , C , Gulsrud , N M & Qin , Q 2018 , ' Urban National Parks or
تفاصيل العنوان
Subjects: Caribbean; hotspots; MARXAN
Dolata , M A , Woodfield-Pascoe , N , Heller , T , Sanchez , M D , Bárrios , S , Schill , S R , Nyed , P K , Hamilton , M A , Grant , K , Clubbe , C & Dalsgaard , B 2024 , ' Prioritising areas for
تفاصيل العنوان
Kawsar , M H , Al Pavel , M A , Uddin , M B , Rahman , S A , Al Mamun , M A , Hassan , S B , Alam , M S , Tamrakar , R & Wadud , M A 2015 , ' Quantifying recreational value and the functional
تفاصيل العنوان
Subjects: carnivore; DNA metabarcoding; DNA-based diet analysis
Groen , K , Beekenkamp , S , de Iongh , H H , Lesilau , F , Chege , M , Narisha , L , Veldhuis , M , Bertola , L D , van Bodegom , P M & Trimbos , K B 2023 , ' DNA metabarcoding illuminates the
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Subjects: Conservation; Deforestation; Forest management
Liu , Y , Ziegler , A D , Wu , J , Liang , S , Wang , D , Xu , R , Duangnamon , D , Li , H & Zeng , Z 2022 , ' Effectiveness of protected areas in preventing forest loss in a tropical mountain region
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Riveras-Muñoz , N , Seitz , S , Witzgall , K , Rodríguez , V , Kühn , P , Mueller , C W , Oses , R , Seguel , O , Wagner , D & Scholten , T 2022 , ' Biocrust-linked changes in soil aggregate
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