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Ørum , T 2020 , ' Amanda Anderson, Rita Felski og Toril Moi: Character. Three Inquiries in Literary Studies : letlæst bog om litterære personer ' , Norsk
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Esmark , M 2020 , ' ”Le droit communautaire – c’est moi !” : Statsmonopol, national ret og euro-integrationisme i tiden efter Danmarks indtræden i EF ' ,
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Subjects: 16S rRNA; 23S rRNA; Antimicrobial resistance
Unemo , M , Salado-Rasmussen , K , Hansen , M , Olsen , A O , Falk , M , Golparian , D , Aasterød , M , Ringlander , J , Nilsson , C S , Sundqvist , M , Schønning , K ,
تفاصيل العنوان
Subjects: Bacteriophage; Escherichia coli; Growth dynamics
Sørensen , P E , Ng , D Y K , Duchateau , L , Ingmer , H , Garmyn , A & Butaye , P 2021 , ' Classification of in vitro phage–host population growth dynamics ' , Microorganisms , vol. 9 , no. 12 ,
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Amoah , L E , Acquah , F K , Ayanful-Torgby , R , Oppong , A , Abankwa , J , Obboh , E K , Singh , S K & Theisen , M 2018 , ' Dynamics of anti-MSP3 and Pfs230 antibody responses and multiplicity of
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Subjects: Genetic diversity; GLURP; msp1
Amoah , L E , Nuvor , S V , Obboh , E K , Acquah , F K , Asare , K , Singh , S K , Boampong , J N , Theisen , M & Williamson , K C 2017 , ' Natural antibody responses to Plasmodium falciparum MSP3 and
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Tuan Anh , N , Thomese , F & Salemink , O 2016 , ' Social Capital as Investment in the Future : Kinship Relations in Financing Children’s Education during Economic Reforms in a Vietnamese Village '
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Echoka , E , Dubourg , D , Makokha , A , Kombe , Y , Olsen , Ø E , Mwangi , M , Evjen-Olsen , B & Byskov , J 2014 , ' Using the unmet obstetric needs indicator to map inequities in life-saving
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Subjects: /dk/atira/pure/core/keywords/FacultyOfSocialSciences; Faculty of Social Sciences; Vietnam
Berkel , H M , Rand , J , Tarp , F & Trifkovic , N 2020 , The Viet Nam SME data 2005-15 . in J Rand & F Tarp (eds) , Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises in Vietnam . Oxford University Press , Oxford
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