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Kirkegaard , N , Msogoya , T , Offenberg , J & Grout , B W W 2017 , ' Grower perception of the significance of weaver ants as a fruit fly deterrent in Tanzanian smallholder
تفاصيل العنوان
Subjects: Intake; Net benefit; sheep
Pereira , L G R , Aragão , A L S , Santos , R D , Azevêdo , J A G , Neves , A L A , Ferreira , A L & Chizzotti , M L 2013 , ' Productive performance of confined sheep fed
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Lorincz , M , Østergaard , M , Wetterslev , M , Sørensen , I J , Madsen , O R , Christiansen , S N , Hetland , M L , Bakkegaard , M , Klarlund , M , Duer , A , Boesen , M , Gosvig , K K & Pedersen ,
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Kangas , S T , Salpéteur , C , Nikièma , V , Ritz , C , Friis , H , Briend , A & Kæstel , P 2022 , ' Predictors of time to recovery and non-response during outpatient treatment of severe acute
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Vázquez-Manjarrez , N , Ulaszewska , M M , Garcia-Aloy , M , Mattivi , F , Praticò , G , Dragsted , L O & Manach , C 2020 , ' Biomarkers of intake for tropical fruits ' , Genes & Nutrition , vol. 15
تفاصيل العنوان
Subjects: Agriculture; Economics
Maina , F W , Mburu , J , Ackello-Ogutu , C & Egelyng , H 2019 , ' Producers' valuation of geographical indications-related attributes of agri-food products from semi-arid lands in Kenya ' , Heliyon ,
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Rahman , S A , Baldauf , C , Mollee , E M , Abdullah-Al-Pavel , M , Abdullah-Al-Mamun , M , Toy , M M & Sunderland , T 2013 , ' Cultivated plants in the diversified homegardens of local communities in
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