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Subramani , P , Pirolo , M , Haugegaard , S , Skarbye , A P , Conrady , B , Pedersen , K S , Guardabassi , L & Damborg , P P 2023 , ' Neomycin resistance in clinical Escherichia coli from Danish
تفاصيل العنوان
Musse , S L , Nielsen , G B , Stege , H , Weber , N R & Houe , H 2022 , ' Prevalences and excretion levels of Lawsonia intracellularis , Brachyspira pilosicoli and Escherichia coli F4 and
تفاصيل العنوان
Subjects: Humans; Uveal Neoplasms/pathology; Melanoma/diagnostic imaging
Hindso , T G , Martinussen , T , Bjerrum , C W , Keller , S H , Loft , A , Sjøl , M B , Nissen , K , Faber , C , Donia , M , Svane , I M , Ellebaek , E , Heegaard , S , Kiilgaard , J F & Madsen , K
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Weber , N R , Nielsen , J P & Pedersen , K S 2017 , Association between isolation of enterotoxigenic E. coli and numbers of E. coli F18 genes in faeces in nursery pigs .
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Subjects: alpha-1,2-fucosyllactose; E coli; human milk oligosaccharide
Cilieborg , M S , Sangild , P T , Jensen , M L , Østergaard , M V , Christensen , L , Rasmussen , S O , Mørbak , A L , Jørgensen , C B & Bering , S B 2017 , ' α1,2-Fucosyllactose Does Not Improve
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Subjects: diarrhea; enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli; F18 fimbriae
Rydal , M P , Gambino , M , Castro-Mejia , J L , Poulsen , L L , Jørgensen , C B & Nielsen , J P 2023 , ' Post-weaning diarrhea in pigs from a single Danish production herd was not associated with
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Subjects: Dermatomyositis; Fluorodeoxyglucose F18; Molecular imaging
Simonsen , J A , Thøgersen , K F , Hvidsten , S , Gerke , O , Høilund-Carlsen , P F & Diederichsen , L P 2022 , ' Treatment-naïve idiopathic inflammatory myopathy : disease evaluation by
تفاصيل العنوان
Subjects: brain; diabetes mellitus; fluorodeoxyglucose F18
Henriksen , O M , Holm , S , Marner , L & Law , I 2020 , ' Effect of blood glucose and body weight on image quality in brain [ 18 F]FDG PET imaging ' , Nuclear Medicine Communications , vol. 41 , no.
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Subjects: Adult; Amino Acids; Child
Law , I , Albert , N L , Arbizu , J , Boellaard , R , Drzezga , A , Galldiks , N , la Fougère , C , Langen , K-J , Lopci , E , Lowe , V , McConathy , J , Quick , H H , Sattler , B , Schuster , D M ,
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