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Subjects: emergency medicine; knowledge transfer; medical education
Reynard , C , Darbyshire , D , Prager , G , Jafar , A , Naguib , M P , Oliver , G , Van Den Berg , P , Body , R , Ambroziak , H & Carley , S 2021 , ' Systematic
تفاصيل العنوان
Subjects: Delphi Technique; Female; Humans
Lee , SI , Eastwood , KA , Moss , N , Azcoaga-Lorenzo , A , Subramanian , A , Anand , A , Taylor , B , Nelson Piercy , C , Yau , C , McCowan , C , O'Reilly , D , Hope , H , Kennedy , JI , Abel , K ,
تفاصيل العنوان
Sengupta , A , Ray , A , Upadhyay , A D , Izumikawa , K , Tashiro , M , Kimura , Y , Bongomin , F , Su , X , Maitre , T , Cadranel , J , de Oliveira , V F , Iqbal , N , Irfan , M , Uzunhan , Y ,
تفاصيل العنوان
Subjects: Cross-cultural studies; Function/mobility; Successful aging
Sulandari , S , Coats , R O , Miller , A , Hodkinson , A & Johnson , J 2024 , ' A systematic review and meta-analysis of the association between physical capability,
تفاصيل العنوان
Subjects: cost-effectiveness; prison populations; mental health
Rowlandson , A , Shields , G , Blakemore , E , Sulaman , I , Lennox , C , Crook , R , Honeywell , D & Pratt , D 2024 , ' The cost-effectiveness of mental health interventions amongst prison
تفاصيل العنوان
Subjects: Absidia; Apophysomyces; Lichtheimia
Sigera , L S M & Denning , D W 2024 , ' A Systematic Review of the Therapeutic Outcome of Mucormycosis ' , Open Forum Infectious Diseases , vol. 11 , no. 1 , ofad704 .
تفاصيل العنوان
Subjects: behavioral change; mHealth; mobile apps
Alkhaldi , O , McMillan , B , Maddah , N & Ainsworth , J 2023 , ' Interventions Aimed at Enhancing Healthcare Providers' Behaviour towards the Prescription of Mobile Health Apps: A
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