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Subjects: next generation sequencing; capacity building; training
Hendriksen , R S , Karlsmose Pedersen , S , Leekitcharoenphon , P , Malorny , B , Borowiak , M , Battisti , A , Franco , A , Alba , P , Carfora , V , Ricci , A , Mastrorilli , E , Losasso , C , Longo
تفاصيل العنوان
Iversen , V B 2015 , Teletraffic engineering and network planning . DTU Fotonik .
تفاصيل العنوان
Badger , M 2014 , Wind energy courses in the virtual classroom . in B C Larsen , J C Hansen & T Cronin (eds) , Department of Wind Energy Annual Report 2013 . DTU Wind
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