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Academic Journal

Estimation of nitrifying and heterotrophic bacterial activity in biofilm formed on RAS biofilter carriers by respirometry

Subjects: Biofilter performance; Biofilm; Nitrification

  • Source: Qi , W , Skov , P V , de Jesus Gregersen , K J & Pedersen , L-F 2022 , ' Estimation of nitrifying and heterotrophic bacterial activity in biofilm formed on RAS biofilter carriers by

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Academic Journal

Guidelines for reporting methods to estimate metabolic rates by aquatic intermittent-flow respirometry

Subjects: Metabolic rate; Fish; Oxygen

  • Source: Killen , S S , Christensen , E A F , Cortese , D , Zavorka , L , Norin , T , Cotgrove , L , Crespel , A , Munson , A , Nati , J J H , Papatheodoulou , M & McKenzie , D 2021 , ' Guidelines for

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Academic Journal

Acute hydrogen sulfide exposure in post-smolt Atlantic salmon ( Salmo salar ): Critical levels and recovery

Subjects: Respirometry; Sulfide toxicity; Excess oxygen uptake

  • Source: Bergstedt , J H & Skov , P V 2023 , ' Acute hydrogen sulfide exposure in post-smolt Atlantic salmon ( Salmo salar ): Critical levels and recovery ' , Aquaculture , vol. 570 , 739405 .

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Academic Journal

A novel method to estimate biofilm activity based on enzymatic oxygen release from hydrogen peroxide decomposition

Subjects: Recirculating aquaculture system; Biofilter; Disinfection

  • Source: Qi , W , Skov , P V , de Jesus Gregersen , K J & Pedersen , L F 2023 , ' A novel method to estimate biofilm activity based on enzymatic oxygen release from hydrogen peroxide decomposition ' , Biofilm

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Academic Journal

Effects of Water Acidification on Senegalese Sole Solea senegalensis Health Status and Metabolic Rate: Implications for Immune Responses and Energy Use

Subjects: Water acidification; Flatfish; Gills immunofluorescence

  • Source: Machado , M F S , Arenas , F , Svendsen , J C , Azeredo , R , Pfeifer , L J , Wilson , J M & Costas , B 2020 , ' Effects of Water Acidification on Senegalese Sole Solea senegalensis Health Status and

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Academic Journal

Personality- and size-related metabolic performance in invasive round goby ( Neogobius melanostomus )

Subjects: Behavioral syndrome; Pace-of-life syndrome; Individuality

  • Source: Behrens , J , von Friesen , L W , Brodin , T , Hirsch , P E , Persson , A , Sundelin , A , van Deurs , M & Nilsson , P A 2020 , ' Personality- and size-related metabolic performance in invasive round

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Academic Journal

One size does not fit all: inter and intraspecific variation in the swimming performance of contrasting freshwater fish

Subjects: Barrier mitigration; Barrier passage; Fish pass

  • Source: Jones , P E , Svendsen , J C , Börger , L , Champneys , T , Consuegra , S , Jones , J A H & Garcia de Leaniz , C 2020 , ' One size does not fit all: inter and intraspecific variation in the swimming

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Academic Journal

Modelling N 2 O dynamics of activated sludge biomass: Uncertainty analysis and pathway contributions

Subjects: Nitrous oxide; activated sludge; Modelling

  • Source: Domingo-Felez , C & Smets , B F 2020 , ' Modelling N 2 O dynamics of activated sludge biomass: Uncertainty analysis and pathway contributions ' , Chemical Engineering Journal , vol. 379 , 122311 .

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Academic Journal

Calibration of the comprehensive NDHA-N 2 O dynamics model for nitrifier-enriched biomass using targeted respirometric assays

Subjects: Nitrous oxide; Respirometry; Uncertainty

  • Source: Domingo-Felez , C , Calderó-Pascual , M , Sin , G , Plósz , B G & Smets , B F 2017 , ' Calibration of the comprehensive NDHA-N 2 O dynamics model for nitrifier-enriched biomass using targeted

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