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Subjects: Ohmicsonication; Mango juice; Microbial load
Abedelmaksoud , T G , Mohsen , S M , Duedahl-Olesen , L , Altemimi , A B , Elnikeety , M M , Cacciola , F & Feyissa , A H 2022 , ' Positive Influences of Ohmicsonication on Phytochemical Profile and
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Bjerregaard , T 2006 , The MANGO clockless network-on-chip: Concepts and implementation . IMM-PHD-2005-153 , Technical University of Denmark , Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark .
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Bjerregaard , T & Sparsø , J 2006 , Packetizing OCP Transactions in the MANGO Network-on-Chip . in Proceedings of the 9th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design,
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Bjerregaard , T , Mahadevan , S , Olsen , R G & Sparsø , J 2005 , An OCP Compliant Network Adapter for GALS-based SoC Design Using the MANGO Network-on-Chip . in
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Jakobsen , J , Danielsen , M , Langwagen , M , Poulsen , A & Trolle , E 2023 , Næringsstofindhold i frugter . DTU Fødevareinstituttet , Kgs. Lyngby .
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Mankong , P , Fantke , P , Phenrat , T , Mungkalasiri , J , Gheewala , S H & Prapaspongsa , T 2022 , ' Characterizing country-specific human and ecosystem health impact and damage cost of agricultural
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Stuart , M B 2010 , Modelling, Synthesis, and Configuration of Networks-on-Chips . IMM-PHD-2010-230 , Technical University of Denmark , Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark .
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