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Subjects: Implantable microneedles; Insertion responsive; Pain management
Makvandi , P , Kirkby , M , Hutton , A R J , Shabani , M , Yiu , C K Y , Baghbantaraghdari , Z , Jamaledin , R , Carlotti , M , Mazzolai , B , Mattoli , V & Donnelly , R F 2021 , ' Engineering
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Pierre , S D L , Scalici , T , Tatarko , P , Valenza , A , Goglio , L , Paolino , D S & Ferraris , M 2020 , ' Torsional shear strength and elastic properties of adhesively bonded glass-to-steel
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Falin , A , Cai , Q , Santos , E J G , Scullion , D , Qian , D , Zhang , R , Yang , Z , Huang , S , Watanabe , K , Taniguchi , T , Barnett , M R , Chen , Y , Ruoff , R S & Hua Li , L 2017 , '
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Subjects: cytoskeleton; nucleoskeleton; tensegrity
Xue , F , Lennon , A B , McKayed , K K , Campbell , V A & Prendergast , P J 2015 , ' Effect of membrane stiffness and cytoskeletal element density on mechanical stimuli within cells: an analysis of
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Subjects: MD simulation; polysilicon; nanoindentation
Goel , S , Faisal , N H , Luo , X , Yan , J & Agrawal , A 2014 , ' Nanoindentation of polysilicon and single crystal silicon: Molecular dynamics simulation and experimental validation ' , Journal of
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Subjects: Fe3C; Fe4C; nanoindentation
Goel , S , Joshi , S S , Abdelal , G & Agrawal , A 2014 , ' Molecular dynamics simulation of nanoindentation of Fe 3 C and tetrahedral Fe 4 C ' , Materials Science and Engineering: A , vol. 597 , pp.
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Liu , H , Falzon , B & Tan , W 2018 , ' Experimental and numerical studies on the impact response of damage-tolerant hybrid unidirectional/woven carbon-fibre reinforced composite laminates ' ,
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Subjects: Intermetallics; Magnesium alloys; composites
Li , N , Zhang , Q Q , Niu , L Y , Wu , G Q & Sha , W 2014 , ' Microstructure, properties and application of YAl2 intermetallic compound as particle reinforcements ' , Materials Science and
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