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Subjects: Body plethysmography; Lung function; Lung volumes
Mraz , T , Asgari , S , Karimi , A , Breyer , M-K , Hartl , S , Sunanta , O , Ofenheimer , A , Burghuber , O C , Zacharasiewicz , A , Lamprecht , B , Schiffers , C , Wouters , E F M & Breyer-Kohansal
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Valach , C , Wouters , E F M , Ofenheimer , A , Pompilio , P P , Gobbi , A , Breyer , M-K , Hartl , S , Veneroni , C , Mraz , T , Schiffers , C , Burghuber , O C , Karimi , A , Gross , C , Irvin , C &
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Cabasson , A , Meste , O , Zeemering , S , Schotten , U & Bonizzi , P 2022 , Is the Dominant Frequency Accurate Enough for Atrial Fibrillation Signals? in 2022 Computing in Cardiology (CinC) . vol. 49
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Subjects: COPD; DISEASE; Home mechanical ventilation
van den Biggelaar , R J M , Hazenberg , A , Cobben , N A M , Gommers , D A M P J , Gaytant , M A & Wijkstra , P J 2022 , ' Home mechanical ventilation : the Dutch approach ' , Pulmonology , vol. 28 ,
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Subjects: 6-minute walk test; adolescents; capacity
Martakis , K , Stark , C , Rehberg , M , Semler , O , Duran , I & Schoenau , E 2021 , ' Reference Centiles to Monitor the 6-minute-walk Test in Ambulant Children with Cerebral Palsy and Identification
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Subjects: body composition; children; DXA
Ofenheimer , A , Breyer-Kohansal , R , Hartl , S , Burghuber , O C , Krach , F , Schrott , A , Franssen , F M E , Wouters , E F M & Breyer , M-K 2021 , ' Reference charts for body composition
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Subjects: blended learning; dispositional learning analytics; Educational intervention
Tempelaar , D , Rienties , B & Nguyen , Q 2021 , ' The Contribution of Dispositional Learning Analytics to Precision Education ' , Educational Technology & Society , vol. 24 , no. 1 , 9 , pp. 109-122
تفاصيل العنوان
Ofenheimer , A , Breyer-Kohansal , R , Hartl , S , Burghuber , O C , Krach , F , Schrott , A , Wouters , E F M , Franssen , F M E & Breyer , M-K 2020 , ' Reference values of body composition
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Subjects: NSCLC; EGFR; Tyrosine kinase inhibitor
Flippot , R , Biondani , P , Auclin , E , Xiao , D , Hendriks , L , Le Rhun , E , Leduc , C , Beau-Faller , M , Gervais , R , Remon , J , Adam , J , Planchard , D , Lavaud , P , Naltet , C , Caramella
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