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de Kok , J W T M , van Bussel , B C T , Schnabel , R , van Herpt , T T W , Driessen , R G H , Meijs , D A M , Goossens , J A , Mertens , H J M M , van Kuijk , S M J , Wynants , L , van der Horst , I C
تفاصيل العنوان
Subjects: clinical epidemiology; paediatric lung disaese; FETAL-GROWTH RESTRICTION
Pierro , M , Villamor-Martinez , E , van Westering-Kroon , E , Alvarez-Fuente , M , Abman , S H & Villamor , E 2022 , ' Association of the dysfunctional placentation endotype of prematurity with
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Subjects: interstitial fibrosis; exercise; clinical epidemiology
Machado , F V C , Bloem , A E M , Schneeberger , T , Jarosch , I , Gloeckl , R , Winterkamp , S , Franssen , F M E , Koczulla , A R , Pitta , F , Spruit , M A & Kenn , K 2021 , ' Relationship between
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Subjects: chronic hemodialysis; mortality; peridialytic systolic blood pressure
Zhang , H , Preciado , P , Wang , Y , Meyring-Wosten , A , Raimann , J G , Kooman , J P , van der Sande , F M , Usvyat , L A , Maddux , D , Maddux , F W & Kotanko , P 2020 , ' Association of all-cause
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Subjects: Anxiety disorders; age; outpatient
Schat , A , van Noorden , M S , van Amelsvoort , T , Giltay , E J , van der Wee , N J A , Noom , M J , Vermeiren , R R J M & Zitman , F G 2017 , ' Age-related characteristics of outpatients with
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Subjects: Clinical Decision Rules; Intensive Care Unit; Mortality
Cox, E G M, Meijs, D A M, Wynants, L, Sels, J-W E M, Koeze, J, Keus, F, Bos-van Dongen, B, van der Horst, I C C & van Bussel, B C T 2025, '"The definition of predictor and outcome variables in
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van Breukelen, G J P & Candel, M J J M 2012, 'Calculating sample sizes for cluster randomized trials: we can keep it simple and efficient !', Journal of Clinical
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