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Subjects: Activities of daily living; Behavior; Long term care
Vluggen , S , de Man-van Ginkel , J , van Breukelen , G , Bleijlevens , M , Zwakhalen , S , Huisman-de Waal , G & Metzelthin , S 2024 , ' Effectiveness of the 'SELF-program' on nurses' activity
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Subjects: biomechanics; injury causation; rear impact crash
Nolet , P S , Nordhoff , L , Kristman , V L , Croft , A C , Zeegers , M P & Freeman , M D 2021 , ' Is Acceleration a Valid Proxy for Injury Risk in Minimal Damage Traffic Crashes? A Comparative Review
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Subjects: ADL; COVID-19; Delirium
Minnema , J , Polinder-Bos , H A , Cesari , M , Dockery , F , Everink , I H J , Francis , B N , Gordon , A L , Grund , S , Bazan , L M P , Eruslanova , K , Topinková , E , Vassallo , M A , Faes , M C
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Zwakhalen , S , Bleijlevens , M , Meijers , J , den Ouden , M & Hamers , J 2019 , ' Met Daily NURSE ADL stimuleren ' , TvZ - Verpleegkunde in praktijk en wetenschap ,
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Subjects: stroke; neglect; transcranial electrical stimulation (tES)
Middag- van Spanje , M , Nijboer , T C W , Schepers , J , van Heugten , C , Sack , A T & Schuhmann , T 2024 , ' Alpha transcranial alternating current stimulation as add-on to neglect training : a
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Vermeulen , J , Neyens , J C L , van Rossum , E , Spreeuwenberg , M & de Witte , L P 2011 , ' Predicting ADL disability in community-dwelling elderly people using
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Subjects: COVID-19; older persons; post-acute
Grund , S , Caljouw , M A A , Haaksma , M L , Gordon , A L , van Balen , R , Bauer , J M , Schols , J M G A , Achterberg , W P , Becker , C , Stuck , A S , Bachmann , S , Petrovic , M , Runikhina , N
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Subjects: Drug-drug relationships; repurposing drugs; deep learning
Allahgholi , M , Rahmani , H , Javdani , D , Sadeghi-Adl , Z , Bender , A , Modos , D & Weiss , G 2022 , ' DDREL: From drug-drug relationships to drug repurposing ' ,
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Subjects: Older people; Probable sarcopenia; EWGSOP2
Wearing , J , Konings , P , de Bie , R A , Stokes , M & de Bruin , E D 2020 , ' Prevalence of probable sarcopenia in community-dwelling older Swiss people - a cross-sectional study ' , BMC Geriatrics
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Subjects: Wearable; step count; physical activity
Ummels , D , Bijnens , W , Aarts , J , Meijer , K , Beurskens , A J & Beekman , E 2020 , ' The Validation of a Pocket Worn Activity Tracker for Step Count and Physical Behavior in Older Adults during
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