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Maib , H & Murray , D H 2022 , ' A mechanism for exocyst-mediated tethering via Arf6 and PIP5K1C-driven phosphoinositide conversion ' , Current Biology , vol. 32 , no. 13 , pp. 2821-2833.E6 .
تفاصيل العنوان
Subjects: Dictyostelium; Macropinocytosis; NF1
Kay , R R , Williams , T D , Manton , J D , Traynor , D & Paschke , P 2019 , ' Living on soup : Macropinocytic feeding in amoebae ' , International Journal of Developmental Biology , vol. 63 , no.
تفاصيل العنوان
Tamburrino , G , Llabrés , S , Vickery , O N , Pitt , S J & Zachariae , U 2017 , ' Modulation of the Neisseria gonorrhoeae drug efflux conduit MtrE ' , Scientific Reports , vol. 7 , 17091 .
تفاصيل العنوان
Subjects: ER export YF motif; longin domain; phytolongins
De Marcos Lousa , C , Soubeyrand , E , Bolognese , P , Wattelet-Boyer , V , Bouyssou , G , Marais , C , Boutte , Y , Filippini , F & Moreau , P 2016 , ' Subcellular localization and trafficking of
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Yang , L , Dun , A R , Martin , K J , Qiu , Z , Dunn , A , Lord , G J , Lu , W , Duncan , R R & Rickman , C 2012 , ' Secretory Vesicles Are Preferentially Targeted to Areas of Low Molecular SNARE
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