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Lagesse , R , Brennan , A & Rusdy , I 2020 , ' Investigation and analysis of liquefaction-induced debris flows in Palu, Indonesia following the 28th September 2018 Central Sulawesi
تفاصيل العنوان
Subjects: Damping; Dynamic Analyses; Finite Element Model
Carmando , U , Mubarak , A , Bilotta , A , Bilotta , E , Knappett , J , Mendola , S L , Gastal , M , Mattelaer , P , Sironi , L , Merlini , D , Falanesca , M , Bella , G , Gianelli , F & Andreini , M
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Gazetas , G , Anastasopoulos , I & Garini , E 2014 , ' Geotechnical design with apparent seismic safety factors well-bellow 1 ' , Soil Dynamics and Earthquake
تفاصيل العنوان
Subjects: Tunnels; earthquake; Finite Element Analysis (FEM)
Kampas , G , Knappett , J , Brown , M , Anastasopoulos , I , Fuentes , R , Nikitas , N & Alonso-Rodriguez , A 2018 , ' Suitability of equivalent linear soil models for analysing the seismic response
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Lagesse , R , Rossetto , T , Raby , A , Brennan , A , Robertson , D , Adhikari , R K , Rezki-Hr , M , Meilianda , E , Idris , Y , Rusdy , I & Kumala , I D 2019 , Observations from the EEFIT-TDMRC
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Subjects: model concrete; geotechnical centrifuge; Scaling
Knappett , J , Brown , M , Shields , L , Al-Defae , A H & Loli , M 2018 , Variability of small scale model reinforced concrete and implications for geotechnical centrifuge testing . in A McNamara , S
تفاصيل العنوان
Subjects: fault rupture; centrifuge; DEM
Brennan , A , Roby , M , Bransby , M & Nagaoka , S 2007 , ' Fault rupture modification by blocky inclusions ' , Paper presented at 4th International Conference on Geotechnical
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