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Subjects: parental engagement; Indigenous education; Boarding school
Benveniste, TC, Guenther, J, Dawson, D, Rainbird, SJ, (2014). Out of sight, out of mind? Bringing Indigenous parent-boarding school communication to light. 30-04 December 2014, AARE-NZARE Joint
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Subjects: pre-undergraduate program; university; first-year experience
Simpson, JM, Mcconachie, JA, Coombes, PN, Danaher, GR, Harreveld, RE, Danaher, PA, (2003). Contesting 'transitions' and (re-)engaging with 'subjectivities' : locating and celebrating the habitus in
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Subjects: Interactive media; Digitalized retail environment; Multiple-channel retailing strategies
Shabnam, S, Sadeque, S, Shamsudeen, SB, Khan, SI, (2018). Omni-channel shopper behavior: Toward a conceptual model. 03-05 September 2018, 16th ANZAM Operations, Supply Chain and Services Management
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Subjects: child-centred disaster risk reduction; disaster resilience education; 170103 Educational Psychology
Ronan, K, Towers, B, (2016), Evidence-based practice, practice-based evidence: Moving towards scaled implementation in child-centred disaster risk reduction, 30-01 September 2016, Rumsewicz, M (Ed.),
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Subjects: Self Injury; Emergency Department; 111005 Mental Health Nursing
Martin, G, Swannell, S, McAllister, M, Hasking, P, 2014. Seeking solutions to self-injury: A guide for emergency staff, Brisbane, QLD:
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Subjects: 3D virtual worlds; Second Life; Gartner’s Hype Cycle
Gregory, S, Gregory, B, Wood, D, Butler, D, Pasfield-Neofitou, S, Hearns, M, Se Freitas, S, Farley, H, Warren, I, Jacka, L, Stokes-Thompson, F, Cox, R, Crowther, P, Atkins, C, McDonald, M, Reiners, T,
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Subjects: Teamwork; Design; Group learning
Tucker, R, Abbasi, N, (2012). Conceptualizing teamwork and group-work in architecture and related design disciplines. 14-16 November 2012, Skates, H (Ed.), 46TH ANZAScA Conference of the Architectural
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