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Pickering , G , O'Keeffe , M , Bannister , K , Becker , S , Cottom , S , Cox , F J , Eisenberg , E , Finn , D P , Forget , P , Graven-Nielsen , T , Kalso , E , Kocot-Kepska , M , Leite-Almeida , H ,
تفاصيل العنوان
Subjects: Aged; Blindness/epidemiology; Cataract/epidemiology
Jadoon , M Z , Awan , Z , Moin , M , Younas , R , Latorre-Arteaga , S , Watts , E , Katibeh , M & Bastawrous , A 2024 , ' Assessment of eye health programme reach by comparison with rapid assessment
تفاصيل العنوان
Subjects: COVID-19/epidemiology; Humans; Osteoporosis/epidemiology
Bullock , L , Abdelmagid , S , Fleming , J , Leyland , S , Clark , E M , Gidlow , C , Iglesias-Urrutia , C P , O'Neill , T W , Mallen , C , Jinks , C & Paskins , Z 2024 , ' Variation in UK fracture
تفاصيل العنوان
Subjects: Cadastral surveying workflow; Interoperability; LADM
Kalogianni , E , Dimopoulou , E , Gruler , H-C , Stubkjær , E , Morales Guarin , J , Lemmen , C & van Oosterom , P 2024 , ' Refining the survey model of the LADM ISO
تفاصيل العنوان
Subjects: cancer; cannabis; health care professionals
Brønnum , D , Buchwald , D , Hesthaven , K L , Melgaard , D , Nielsen , S W & Leutscher , P 2024 , ' Perception and Consumption of Cannabis Among DanishPatients with End-Stage Cancer Receiving
تفاصيل العنوان
Subjects: Digital health; Citizen survey; Citizen perspective
Eriksen , J , Hjermitslev , C B , Tuulikki , V , Harðardóttir , G A , Koch , S , Faxvaag , A , Kyytsönen , M , Viitanen , J , Lintvedt , O , Pedersen , R , Vimarlund , V , Solbakken Nordheim , E ,
تفاصيل العنوان
Subjects: acute hypoxaemic respiratory failure; acute respiratory distress syndrome; controlled ventilation
Aslam , T N , Klitgaard , T L , Ahlstedt , C A O , Andersen , F H , Chew , M S , Collet , M O , Cronhjort , M , Estrup , S , Fossum , O K , Frisvold , S K , Gillmann , H J , Granholm , A , Gundem , T
تفاصيل العنوان
Subjects: COVID-19; management; nursing
Kusk , K H , Laugesen , B , Jørgensen , L , Albrechtsen , M T , Grøkjær , M , Cusack , L , Pedersen , B , Lerbæk , B , Haslund-Thomsen , H , Thorup , C B , Jacobsen , S , Bundgaard , K , Voldbjerg
تفاصيل العنوان