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Academic Journal

The potential role of sensory testing, skin biopsy, and functional brain imaging as biomarkers in chronic pain clinical trials:IMMPACT considerations

Subjects: Biomarkers; Brain imaging; IMMPACT

  • Source: Smith , S M , Dworkin , R H , Turk , D C , Baron , R , Polydefkis , M , Tracey , I , Borsook , D , Edwards , R , Harris , R E , Wager , T D , Arendt-Nielsen , L , Burke , L B , Carr , D B , Chappell ,

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Academic Journal

Cerebral Palsy - Early Diagnosis and Intervention Trial: protocol for the prospective multicentre CP-EDIT study with focus on diagnosis, prognostic factors, and intervention

Subjects: Cerebral Palsy/therapy; Child; Preschool

  • Source: Hoei-Hansen , C E , Weber , L , Johansen , M , Fabricius , R , Hansen , J K , Viuff , A-C F , Rønde , G , Hahn , G H , Østergaard , E , Duno , M , Larsen , V A , Madsen , C G , Røhder , K , Elvrum

تفاصيل العنوان

Academic Journal

Functional and structural neuroplastic changes related to sensitization proxies in patients with Osteoarthritis:a systematic review

Subjects: Brain Imaging; MRI; Osteoarthritis

  • Source: Pedersini , P , Gobbo , M , Bishop , M D , Arendt-Nielsen , L & Villafañe , J H 2022 , ' Functional and structural neuroplastic changes related to sensitization proxies in patients with

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Academic Journal

A channel rejection method for attenuating motion-related artifacts in EEG recordings during walking

Subjects: Artifacts; EEG; EEG cleaning

  • Source: Oliveira , A S , Schlink , B R , David Hairston , W , König , P & Ferris , D P 2017 , ' A channel rejection method for attenuating motion-related artifacts in EEG recordings during walking ' ,

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Academic Journal

Practical video demonstration of the technique to identify the posterior superior insula orthogonal scalp projection without neuronavigation:the Fast-PSI

Subjects: Insula; Neuronavigation; Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation

  • Source: da Cunha , P H M , Tanaka , H , Lapa , J D D S , Dongyang , L , Fernandes , A M , Júnior , A A B S , Pereira , T M R , Soares , F H C , Kubota , G T , Da Silva , V A , Graven-Nielsen , T , Teixeira ,

تفاصيل العنوان

Academic Journal

The Embodiment of Architectural Experience:A Methodological Perspective on Neuro-Architecture

Subjects: aesthetics and ergonomics; ecological psychology; ecological validity

  • Source: Wang , S , Sanches de Oliveira , G , Djebbara , Z & Gramann , K 2022 , ' The Embodiment of Architectural Experience : A Methodological Perspective on Neuro-Architecture ' , Frontiers in Human

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Academic Journal

Optimal timing of anticoagulation after acute ischaemic stroke with atrial fibrillation (OPTIMAS): a multicentre, blinded-endpoint, phase 4, randomised controlled trial

  • Source: Werring , D J , Dehbi , H-M , Ahmed , N , Arram , L , Best , J G , Balogun , M , Bennett , K , Bordea , E , Caverly , E , Chau , M , Cohen , H , Cullen , M , Doré , C J , Engelter , S T , Fenner , R

تفاصيل العنوان

Academic Journal

Associations of renal function with cerebral small vessel disease and functional outcome in acute intracerebral haemorrhage:A hospital-based prospective cohort study

Subjects: Cerebral small vessel disease (SVD); Chronic kidney disease (CKD); Intracerebral haemorrhage (ICH)

  • Source: Nash , P S , Best , J G , Ambler , G , Wilson , D , Banerjee , G , Hostettler , I C , Seiffge , D , Cohen , H , Yousry , T A , Salman , R A S , Lip , G Y H , Brown , M M , Muir , K W , Houlden , H ,

تفاصيل العنوان

Academic Journal

Clinical features and prognostic factors in adults with brain abscess

Subjects: brain abscess; cerebral abscess; microbiology

  • Source: Bodilsen , J , Duerlund , L S , Mariager , T , Brandt , C T , Petersen , P T , Larsen , L , Hansen , B R , Omland , L H , Tetens , M M , Wiese , L , Jørgensen , R L , Leth , S , Nielsen , H & DASGIB

تفاصيل العنوان

Academic Journal

Herpes simplex virus 2 meningitis in adults:A prospective, nationwide, population-based cohort study

Subjects: Acyclovir/therapeutic use; Adult; Cohort Studies

  • Source: Jakobsen , A , Skov , M T , Larsen , L , Petersen , P T , Brandt , C , Wiese , L , Hansen , B R , Lüttichau , H R , Tetens , M M , Helweg-Larsen , J , Storgaard , M , Nielsen , H , Bodilsen , J &

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