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Cultura organizacional e comprometimento dos funcion?rios do Soleil Su?te Hotel

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  • معلومة اضافية
    • Thesis Advisors:
      CPF:36936561420; M?l, Anderson Luiz Rezende; CPF:03040553607; Costa, Benny Kramer; CPF:32851120425; A?ez, Miguel Eduardo Moreno
    • بيانات النشر:
    • بيانات النشر:
      Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte; Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Engenharia de Produ??o; UFRN; BR; Estrat?gia; Qualidade; Gest?o Ambiental; Gest?o da Produ??o e Opera??es, 2008.
    • الموضوع:
    • Collection:
      IBICT Brazilian ETDs
    • Original Material:
      RAMALHO, M?rcio Rodrigues. Cultura organizacional e comprometimento dos funcion?rios do Soleil Su?te Hotel. 2008. 81 f. Disserta??o (Mestrado em Estrat?gia; Qualidade; Gest?o Ambiental; Gest?o da Produ??o e Opera??es) - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2008.
    • نبذة مختصرة :
      Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:52:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MarcioRR.pdf: 350640 bytes, checksum: 17176f9621640e4c3a705ccfb841f27e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-06-12
      This study examines the relationship of the types of organizational culture perceived in a business hotel with the nature of the link between individual and organization. This linkage between commitment and organizational culture has been little explored, both national and international, requiring more studies. Thus, the survey was conducted in Soleil Suite Hotel, located on the beach of Ponta Negra, city of Natal, Rio Grande do Norte. The independent variable of the proposed model was represented by the types of organizational culture, while the dependent variable was represented by the four dimensions of commitment. It was used in addition to the correspondence analysis, the arithmetic mean, the Pearson s correlation and the simple regression analysis. The results indicated the existence of relationship of the types of organizational culture with the kind of commitment shown by the officials, where the cultures of Group and Innovative, capable of generating an environment dedicated to the work as a team, the development and professional growth of the employees, as well as the creativity and individual freedom of each one to try new things, encourage the dominance of the dimensions Affective, Affiliative and Normative of the tie person-organization
      O presente estudo analisa a rela??o dos tipos de cultura organizacional percebidos em uma empresa hoteleira com a natureza do v?nculo estabelecido entre indiv?duo e organiza??o. Essa vincula??o entre comprometimento e cultura organizacional vem sendo pouco explorada, tanto a n?vel nacional quanto internacional, necessitando de maiores estudos. Assim, a pesquisa foi realizada no Soleil Su?te Hotel, localizado na praia de Ponta Negra, cidade de Natal, Rio Grande do Norte. A vari?vel independente do modelo proposto foi representada pelos tipos de cultura organizacional, enquanto que a vari?vel dependente foi representada pelas quatro dimens?es do comprometimento. Utilizou-se, al?m da an?lise de correspond?ncia, a m?dia aritm?tica, a correla??o de Pearson e a an?lise de regress?o simples. Os resultados indicaram a exist?ncia de rela??o dos tipos de cultura organizacional com os tipos de comprometimento apresentados pelos funcion?rios, onde as Culturas Grupal e Inovadora, capazes de gerar um ambiente voltado para o trabalho em equipe, o desenvolvimento e o crescimento profissional dos funcion?rios, assim como, a criatividade e a liberdade individual de cada um deles para experimentar coisas novas, favorecem o predom?nio das dimens?es Afetivas, Afiliativas e Normativas do v?nculo indiv?duo-organiza??o
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