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Povezanost med vključenostjo staršev v šolanje otroka, učnim uspehom in uživanjem psihoaktivnih snovi pri mladostnikih ; Relationship between parental involvement in child`s schooling, academic achievement and consumption of psychoactive substances among adolescents

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  • معلومة اضافية
    • Contributors:
      Pšunder, Mateja
    • بيانات النشر:
      [K. Osterc Kokotovič]
    • الموضوع:
    • Collection:
      Digital Library of University of Maribor / Digitalna knjižnica Univerze v Mariboru
    • نبذة مختصرة :
      Problem, ki smo ga proučevali v magistrski nalogi, je povezanost med vključenostjo staršev v šolanje otroka in uživanjem psihoaktivnih snovi pri mladostnikih. V teoretičnem delu smo predstavili vlogo družine, pomen vključenosti staršev v šolanje otroka, učno uspešnost in obdobje mladostništva, v katerega segajo tudi prvi poskusi psihoaktivnih snovi. V empiričnem delu smo želeli ugotoviti vključenost staršev v šolanje mladostnikov, učno uspešnost mladostnikov in poseganje mladostnikov po psihoaktivnih snoveh ter vlogo relevantnih demografskih podatkov pri tem. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 193 učencev 9. razreda osnovnih šol in 211 dijakov 2. letnika srednjih šol. Podatke smo zbrali s pomočjo vprašalnika, ki je vseboval Lestvico vpletenosti staršev iz Vprašalnika »Stil starševstva in vpletenost staršev« (Parenting Style and Parental Involvement PSPI ; Paulson, 1994) in vprašanja o poseganju mladostnikov po psihoaktivnih snoveh. Rezultati so pokazali, da so mladostniki, katerih starši so bolj vključeni v njihovo šolanje, učno uspešnejši in imajo višja pričakovanja glede lastne stopnje izobrazbe. Starši so bolj vključeni v šolanje mlajših mladostnikov. Prav tako so v šolanje mladostnikov bolj vključeni starši z višjo stopnjo izobrazbe. Učno uspešnejši mladostniki imajo starše z višjo stopnjo izobrazbe in tudi pričakovanja njihovih staršev ter mladostnikova lastna pričakovanja glede najvišje zaključene izobrazbe so pri teh mladostnikih višja. Manj poskusov psihoaktivnih snovi je bilo pri mlajših mladostnikih in učno uspešnejših mladostnikih. Nadalje so rezultati raziskave pokazali, da se z višjo stopnjo vključenosti staršev v šolanje mladostnikov viša starost mladostnikov pri prvih poskusih psihoaktivnih snovi, znižuje se število poskusov različnih vrst psihoaktivnih snovi in pogostost uživanja psihoaktivnih snovi. ; The relationship between parental involvement in child`s schooling and consumption of psychoactive substances among adolescents was a problem we studied in our master thesis. The role of a family was presented in a theoretical part, as well as the importance of parental involvement in child`s schooling, academic achievement and the period of adolescence when the first attempts of psychoactive substance use occur. In the empirical part, we tried to establish the parental involvement in child`s schooling, academic achievement and the consumption of psychoactive substances among adolescents, as well as the role of relevant demographic data. 193 ninth graders of primary school and 211 students of second grade of secondary school were included in the survey. We collected data with a questionnaire that contained Parental Involvement Scale from the Questionnaire Parenting Style and Parental Involvement (Paulson, 1994) and it also contained the questions about adolescents’ consumption of psychoactive substances. The results have shown better academic achievements and higher educational expectations by adolescents whose parents have been more involved in schooling. There has been higher parental involvement in schooling of younger adolescents and by parents with higher level of education. Adolescents with higher academic achievement have had parents with higher level of education as well as their parents’ and their own higher expectations about the finished level of education. Furthermore, there has been less experimenting with psychoactive substances by younger adolescents and by adolescents with higher academic achievement. Moreover, the results have shown that when parents have been more involved in schooling the age of first attempts of psychoactive substance consumption by adolescents has been higher, there has been a decrease in a number of attempts of different kinds of psychoactive substances as well as a decrease in the frequency of consumption.
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