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Consumption of visually impaired students based on the theory of consumer vulnerability and resilience ; Consumo de estudantes deficientes visuais baseado na teoria da vulnerabilidade e resiliência do consumidor

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  • معلومة اضافية
    • بيانات النشر:
      Universidade Federal de Pernambuco
    • الموضوع:
    • Collection:
      Portal de Periódicos - UFPE (Universidade Federal de Pernambuco)
    • نبذة مختصرة :
      This study analyzes the consumption of elementary-school educational service by visually impaired individuals based on the theory of consumer vulnerability and resilience of Baker and Mason (2012). To this end, an ethnographic investigation was performed on a non-governmental organization (NGO) involved in the education of visually impaired students and conducted in accordance with the procedure of Transformative Consumer Research described by Crockett, Downey, Firat et al. (2013). Data were collected through narrative interviews with 16 elementary-school students, six indepth interviews with managers and teachers from the NGO Lar, and five in-depth interviews with the guardians of the students, in addition to seven months of participant observations. The data were analyzed using the data analysis spiral technique. The results indicate that pressures from the individual, family, school community, and macro forces caused the state of vulnerability. Impotence in the face of practices by school managers and teachers as well as dependence on friendly schools appeared in the form of shock caused by two triggers events: the attempt to enroll students and the first days of school. The resilience of the consumers, the school community, and the NGO contributed to reduce the vulnerability. ; Este estudo teve o objetivo de analisar o consumo de serviços educacionais do ensino fundamental por deficientes visuais a partir da teoria da vulnerabilidade e resiliência do consumidor de Baker e Mason (2012). Para tanto, uma investigação etnográfica foi conduzida em uma ONG que atua na educação de estudantes com deficiência visual, a partir do processo de Pesquisa Transformativa do Consumidor descrito por Crockett, Downey, Firat et al. (2013). Os dados foram coletados por meio de 16 entrevistas narrativas com alunos do ensino fundamental que frequentavam a instituição, seis entrevistas em profundidade com gestores e professores da ONG Lar, cinco entrevistas com responsáveis desses alunos e sete meses de observações participantes na ...
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