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Contribui??es da tecnoracia e da etnomatem?tica para a promo??o da educa??o financeira de estudantes surdos. ; Contributions of technoracy and ethnomathematics to the promotion of financial education for deaf students.

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  • معلومة اضافية
    • الموضوع:
    • نبذة مختصرة :
      Apresentamos, neste artigo, alguns resultados obtidos em uma pesquisa de Mestrado Profissional em Educa??o Matem?tica, que est? relacionada com o desenvolvimento da Educa??o Financeira de jovens e adultos Surdos, que se comunicam em Libras, por meio da perspectiva etnomatem?tica. Especificamente, procuramos compreender a rela??o dos resultados desse estudo com um dos elementos do Curr?culo Trivium para a Matem?tica, denominado por Tecnoracia, que foi proposto D?Ambrosio, em 1999. Desse modo, essa reconceitua??o curricular ? composta pela literacia (instrumentos comunicativos), materacia (instrumentos anal?ticos) e tecnoracia (instrumentos materiais e tecnol?gicos). A abordagem metodol?gica foi qualitativa, com a utiliza??o dos pressupostos da Teoria Fundamentada nos Dados (Grounded Theory). Da fase anal?tica, foi poss?vel inferir que o programa etnomatem?tica possibilitou o fornecimento dos instrumentos comunicativos, anal?ticos, materiais e tecnol?gicos, que s?o caracter?sticos da cultura Surda para que os alunos pudessem resolver as situa??es-problema propostas em sala de aula. ; We present, in this article, some results obtained in a Professional Masters in Mathematics Education research, which is related to the development of Financial Education through an ethnomathematical perspective of hearing-impaired youth and adult students, who communicate in Libras (Brazilian sign language). Specifically, we attempted to understand the relation of the results of this study to one of the elements of the Trivium Curriculum for Mathematics, called Technoracy, which was proposed by D?Ambrosio, in 1999. In this way, this curricular reconceptualization is composed of literacy (communicative instruments), matheracy (analytical instruments), and technoracy (material and technological instruments). The methodological approach was qualitative by using Grounded Theory assumptions. From the analytical phase, it was possible to infer that the ethnomathematics program enabled to supply students with communicative, analytical, and material and technological instruments that are characteristic of the Deaf culture so that they could solve problems and situations proposed in classrooms.
    • File Description:
    • ISSN:
    • Relation:
      PINHEIRO, R. C.; ROSA, M. Contribui??es da tecnoracia e da etnomatem?tica para a promo??o da educa??o financeira de estudantes surdos. Abakos, Belo Horizonte, v. 7, n. 2, p. 45-59, maio 2019. Dispon?vel em: . Acesso em: 03 jul. 2020.;;
    • الرقم المعرف:
    • Rights:
      aberto ; Esta obra est? sob uma Licen?a Creative Commons Atribui??o 4.0 Internacional ( CC BY. Fonte: o pr?prio artigo.
    • الرقم المعرف: