نبذة مختصرة : Objective: to understand the experience of pregnancy for the girls who became pregnant in adolescence. Methodology: this is a study from qualitative approach, with students of the Integrated School of Education Assis Chateaubriand who become pregnant in adolescence and who were enrolled and attending classes in Module I, at night, in 2007. Data were collected through semi-structured, with the method of data analysis to content analysis. This study was approved by the number protocol 264/2007 of the Ethics’s Committee of the University Federal of Bahia. Results: the pregnancy in the adolescence causes a disproportion between the age and the education level, affecting the academic and professional upbringing, consequently causing an increase of the unemployment and underemployment rate. Conclusion: thus, family, school, and public authorities must recognize each ones' responsibilities, providing confidence, support and, security, besides useful information about this theme in an available language in order to the children and young people are able to understand them and take coherent decisions when they were exposed to other social contexts, favoring therefore a possible decreasing of the indicators of gestation in adolescence, illegal abortion, children and mother mortality and, low education level. Descriptors: adolescence; pregnancy adolescent; family; child; acontecimentos que mudam a vida; pregnancy, high-risk; mother-child relations. RESUMOObjetivo: compreender a experiência da gestação para as alunas que engravidaram na adolescência. Metodologia: trata-se de um estudo com abordagem qualitativa, com alunas da Escola Centro Integrado de Educação Assis Chateaubriand que engravidaram na adolescência, estavam frequentando as aulas no Módulo I, turno noturno, no ano de 2007. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevista semi-estruturada, e analisados pela técnica de análise de conteúdo, após ser aprovado pelo protocolo 264/2007 do Comitê de Ética da Universidade Federal da Bahia. Resultados: a gravidez ...
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