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Pomen družine pri zdravljenju mladostnikov z motnjami hranjenja

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  • معلومة اضافية
    • Contributors:
      Thaler, Darja
    • الموضوع:
    • نبذة مختصرة :
      Uvod: Motnje hranjenja še vedno predstavljajo tabu v današnji družbi in so pogosto narobe interpretirane. V preteklosti je bila v ospredju individualna obravnava mladostnika, saj so bili družinski člani med drugimi prepoznani kot povzročitelji bolezni. Danes je stvar obrnjena – prav družina je tista, ki lahko izdatno pripomore k hitrejšemu in kakovostnejšemu, pa tudi dolgoročnemu okrevanju. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je opredeliti motnje hranjenja, predstaviti pozitivne učinke, ki jih ima vključitev družine v proces zdravljenja mladostnika z motnjami hranjenja in izpostaviti pomembnost ozaveščenosti družine o sami bolezni. Metode dela: V diplomskem delu je bila uporabljena deskriptivna metoda dela. Literatura je bila iskana v bibliografskih podatkovnih bazah, kot sta CINAHL in PubMed, ter s pomočjo Google Učenjaka. Izbrani članki so se nanašali na motnje hranjenja pri mladostnikih, pomen družine pri zdravljenju le teh in na pomen ozaveščenosti staršev o motnjah hranjenja. Rezultati: Učinek vključitve družine v proces zdravljenja je še posebej viden po prvem letu po končanem zdravljenju, prej ni bistvenih razlik v primerjavi z individualno obravnavo. Družina omogoči mladostniku nadaljnje vzdrževanje na novo vzpostavljenega prehranjevalnega ritma, okrepljene družinske vezi pa pripomorejo k čustveno trdnejšemu stanju mladostnika, ki je bil žrtev motenj hranjenja. Razprava in zaključek: Motnje hranjenja za mladostnika predstavljajo velik stres in predvsem veliko preizkušnjo za celotno družino, saj je mladostnik postavljen v središče pozornosti, ostali člani pa so za določen čas postavljeni na stranski tir. Nekatere družine niso pripravljene podrediti vsega zdravljenju mladostnika in zato ne sodelujejo pri zdravljenju, kar ni nujno slabo. Družina in predvsem starši se morajo zavestno podrediti procesu zdravljenja, saj je šele s tem mladostniku z motnjo hranjenja dana možnost za uspešno zdravljenje. Introduction: Eating disorder is still a taboo subject in today's society and is often misinterpreted. In the past, it was the individual treatment that was usually used, since the family members were often seen as the ones that caused the illness. Today it is just the opposite – it is the family that can contribute the most in terms of speed, quality and long-term positive effects of family based treatment. Purpose: The purpose is to define what eating disorder is, present positive effects of family based treatment and emphasize the importance of family members' education about eating disorders. Methods: A descriptive method was used in this diploma work, domestic and foreign literature was reviewed and an analysis of the content was made. The literature was searched in bibliographic data bases, such as CINAHL, PubMed and also Google Scholar. The chosen articles all refer to eating disorders in adolescents, the meaning of family inclusion in treatment and the importance of parental awareness of the illness. Results: The effects of family based treatment are seen after 6 month to one year post treatment, before that there are no crucial differences between individual and family based treatment. Family enables the adolescent to further maintain newly developed eating habits. Furthermore, stronger bonds among family members help to maintain a healthier emotional state that was a victim of eating disorder before. Discussion and conclusion: Eating disorder of an adolescent represents a huge stress for the family as a whole, but also a great challenge for each individual member of the family because all of a sudden there is only one family member put in the center of all the happening and the rest is put aside. Some families are not willing to sacrifice and therefore decline the family based treatment, which is not necessarily bad. Family as a whole needs to consciously subordinate their needs to the needs of the treatment and only after that a possibility of a success can be given.
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